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"Feeling lost in the galaxy? Have no place to call home? Looking for a peaceful and tranquil retirement paradise?"

The Jabiim Citizenship program was developed and released to all sentients species in the galaxy to ensure that everyone in the galaxy could have a safe place to call home, far away from wars and corruption, a piece of paradise just for yourself.


All citizens under the program will have for their own use a personal residence in a nice a friendly neighbourhood specially designed to ensure a safe and pleasent way of living to all populace.

All the housing deeds come with a costumized and unique keycard used to access the facility and equiped with a personal droid.



All citizens are free to use any storage facility or station from the Jabiim Consortium to safelly store their own goods within the Jabiim System. 

To ensure that citizens don't abuse this benefit, the Consortium will lend the spaces (T/m3) according the avaiable storage room and citizenship level.



All citizens will have a lifetime discount in all items sold on the Consortium and all the services avaiable at the moment.

Citizens will have priority purchasing or pre-ordering items from the Consortium market, and will have priority over other contracts under the Consortium service.



© 2023 by Damyo Kruder. All images and content are propriety of the Jabiim Consortium.

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